QE-1 Squadron employs the ScanEagle in support of Special Operations
Original article by GUILHERME WILTGEN in Defesa Aérea & Naval, 07/12/2023 (Translated from Portuguese via Google Translate)
On November 22, the 1st Remotely Piloted Aircraft Squadron (QE-1) carried out a Surveillance and Reconnaissance flight in support of the INCURSEX exercise, conducted by the Marine Special Operations Battalion (Tonelero Battalion).
The images provided by the RQ-1 ScanEagle Aircraft were transmitted in real time to the Operations and Combat Center and to the Special Operations elements on the ground, enabling increased situational awareness on the part of the exercise’s Command and Control and its executors.
Story in Portuguese:
No dia 22 de novembro, o 1º Esquadrão de Aeronaves Remotamente Pilotadas (QE-1), realizou voo de Vigilância e Reconhecimento em apoio ao exercício INCURSEX, conduzido pelo Batalhão de Operações Especiais de Fuzileiros Navais (Batalhão Tonelero).
As imagens providas pela Aeronave RQ-1 ScanEagle foram transmitidas em tempo real para o Centro de Operações e Combate e para os elementos de Operações Especiais no terreno, possibilitando o aumento da consciência situacional por parte do Comando e Controle do exercício e de seus executores.
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